US Orders
We offer free standard shipping on all US orders. We use USPS First Class for all orders and tracking number will be updated within 1 to 3 business days.
International Orders
We ship via USPS First Class International, which takes 7 to 21 business days. Transit times vary on the location and will increase if the package is held in customs. Once the package makes it to your country, your local postal service will deliver the package. You can usually track the package further via their website - for example, the United Kingdom uses Royal Mail.
More Info
Production time: Orders typically ship within 1-3 business days. If you need your item by a specific date, please contact us first so we can make sure that the jewelry can get there in time.
Order Changes & Cancellations: If you need to change or cancel your order, you must notify us within 24 hours of placing the order, otherwise we may not be able to cancel it, as it may be in production.
Lost Packages: If an order is marked as delivered but the buyer didn't receive it, it is the buyer's responsibility to contact USPS to find the package.
Once a package leaves our studio, we have no control over the package. We is not responsible for packages that are lost in the mail.